Wheat Wrote WHAT?!

Whatever Is On My Mind – Links for things I use: InMySmall Kitchen to EnjoyTheMaking

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April 5th, 2021 at 00:01 am

Question The Answers

I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned. attributed to Richard Feynman

April 4th, 2021 at 00:01 am

RC Easter 2021-Apr-04

March 28th, 2021 at 01:01 am

Palm Sunday

March 25th, 2021 at 19:55 pm

Opinion: Vax meant to Distract

25-Mar-2021 – Bottom line at the top
We need to stop fixating on the distractions and look at the REAL problems and figure out what we need to do to get things right.

Not that I trust these numbers (or any of the products purported to be immunizations…. ) and that includes the memes from both sides of the conversation – out of context annoys me quite frankly

Keeping in mind the folks making millions if not billions of US$ and other Currency are warning that getting the shot(s) does not mean you are now free to go about your life, stop wearing a mask or any other restriction already imposed… so anything they have to say does not really impress me.

“Reportedly” more than 450 million doses of the three products have been administered worldwide. For the sake of argument, let’s divide that number by 2 – given most have probably gotten the 2 shot products and I doubt the number of J&J one shots is even in the millions yet.

Again “reportedly” round up 4,000 have died and about 165,000 become ill after injections with these products. Let’s call it 170 Thousand to follow the example of the CDC etal and make it scarier than it needs to be.

Doing simple math, divide 170,000 by 225,000,000 and you get point 0007556 have had a recorded reaction or 7 out of every 1000 victims
Let’s compare that to the numbers for the US for Seasonal Flu Vaccine of around 45-60 million getting the shot. An average reaction of 8% means 8 of every 100

Feel free to check and correct my math – never my best subject. But it would seem you are 10 times more likely to have a problem with a seasonal flu shot than a covid-19 injection.

In my opinion, the difference is the seasonal injection seems to have somewhat of a success rate, and the other is a placebo.

As I said when I started, we need to stop wasting time on masks and vaccines and start working on (a) keeping a close eye on the reason for this distraction and (b) what in the name of all that is holy we can do about it.

Feel free to visit me on GAB to share your thoughts. Or anywhere else you find me wandering.

March 25th, 2021 at 01:58 am

ALDI Mascapone Cheesecake

The ALDI Specially Mascarpone Cheesecake did THREE things
– Caused seconds on dessert = a very rare occurrence
– Kept me awake thinking “can I fit a freezer InMySmallKitchen”
– Wondering had I died and gone to Arthur Av Bakery Heaven

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    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! Beginning in January 2020 we may include product links. If you choose to buy thru these links, Wheat may receive some form of compensation. Wheat assumes no responsibility if you are not happy with a product not sold thru our own website ItsAllJustString.com and expects smart shoppers will also do a bit of due diligence to form your own opinion if that item "works for you"
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    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! began as a place to express opinions strongly held or silly without everyone getting their panties in a twist assuming those opinions to be a personal attack because they lack the ability to discern between discussing the point and flaming a person.
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! is also where Wheat writes about products she uses and occasionally mentions ones best avoided. These may also but not always and not surprisingly are sold at ItsAllJustString,com
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! is also where she expresses sometimes controversial opinions about just about anthing so please expect the occastion rant.
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! welcome your comments - just remember - we want ot discuss the point not the person unless they are public usually political person.
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! is where Wheat writes primarily about things she uses and sells thru ItsAllJustString,com
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! blogamentries are based on personal experience and opinon. Your experience and opinion may differ. "what works for wheat may not work for you"
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