Wheat Wrote WHAT?!

Whatever Is On My Mind – Links for things I use: InMySmall Kitchen to EnjoyTheMaking

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May 14th, 2021 at 11:34 am

FDA waiver vs approval

Every time I read a rant about how safe the Covid-19 vaccines must be because the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration) “APPROVED” its use – just read all the Head Lines.

An FDA WAIVER is NOT an APPROVAL – it is NOT a recognition of efficacy – it is a statement that this drug/vaccine/treatment is NOT FULLY TESTED but MIGHT HELP.

Well no, NONE of the vaccines have been approved – everyone getting the vaccine is part of the ongoing drug trials – apparently small may the number be, some good people are getting really sick and others are dying from these vaccines.

In other headlines today, if the NY Yankees are any measure, the vaccines are NOT helping. In fact, there seems to be some evidence they are really spreading the disease in some cases. then we really need to consider if these vaccines are helpful. We also might find it good to ask and research why other countries are suspending their programs.

It is my opinion that we also need to be spending quite a bit more time and energy on treatment options. Just like SARS or Flu or any number of other diseases – that Geni is NOT going back in the bottle – Yes, since so many are willing, go ahead with the trials in progress.

Remember under the US CDC we have not eliminated diseases like Cancer, HIV, Heart Disease, Diabetes, and well the list goes on, but we have made great strides in treatment and that is where we need to focus in the near term.

April 29th, 2021 at 00:20 am

Comprehension vs Communication

Comprehension is Key to Useful Communication.
There is no Comprehension until there is someone
willing to listen to more than the echoes of one’s
own version of the facts.

When I wrote this, paraphrasing words of an unknown author,
now I do think it should have said a bit more .

Like the importance of not just listening but willing to listen to ALL that is said, not just what might further your narrative,

Because just maybe your current narrative is based incorrect information or innuendos not fact needs to be at least re-evaluated and as likely changed.

This was been a hard learned lesson but may explain why there are topics I find it useless to address – because they are not asking questions to learn, only to find more ways to twist reality with their alcohol induced fantasies/narratives.

partially shared to Gab Group: Ideas and Inspiration

April 27th, 2021 at 12:10 pm

Tuesday Tiplet: Flour Use It Or Lose It

No matter how carefully stored, Flour has a shelf life – sometimes it needs to be used up so you can restock and yeah, you may have overstocked in a moment of pandemic pantry panic. Flour is the one ingredient I always choose to weigh out. Most other dry ingredients can be safely measured with measuring cups or spoons.

Inexpensive (non-sealing) bread bags are excellent for holding the mixes. making it easy to store multiple pre-mixes in a single larger freezer zip=lock. Individual labels with type of mix (bread, pizza, etc) and date prepped can be used to loosely seal the mix in the bread bags. I know there are less expensive freezer bags, but my experience with other brands, especially store brands has not been a happy experience. Since the more expensive freezer bag can easily be reused.

Just a reminder, if you freeze pre-mixes of dry ingredients, it is always good to let it come to room temp.
For yeasted foods, best to not to add to the mix so you can proof separately.

Click to visit Myrecipes – the basis for today’s Tiplet inspiration.

April 13th, 2021 at 12:23 pm

KitchenAid Grinder = Update

The first part of the story was posted some weeks ago at:
Since then, I have been putting this baby thru its paces and the KitchenAid Blade Grinder is exactly what I hoped it would be


I have a similar blade grinder that we use exclusively for coffee but it is a PIA to clean. The bowl is not able to be removed, so was not useful for other kitchen needs.

I wanted one I could use for Herbs and spices to make my custom seasoning blends. Making my own blends is a necessity both for flavor and allergy reasons.

The KitchenAid blade grinder worked perfectly, because the bowl/blade assembly is removable, it was easy breezy to clean between each set of ingredients.

Did everything from making a seasoning blend for Gyro to a paste of fresh ginger and garlic.

Oh, and did I mention it was RED – very happy to have this InMySmallKitchen.

April 5th, 2021 at 12:36 pm

Maple Sugar

Almost any dry ingredient, properly stored, can keep at least a year – AND as part of my moving away from Amazon… I have been working harder to find sources for various ingredients. Especially my dry mixes and rubs.

Although I found another brand on Amazon to “try my idea” and now, just as I wanted to “stock up” for summer grilling (okay candied bacon, or even pork ribs or roast) on both Maple Sugar Flakes and Granulated the flakes were back in stock at Vermont Maple Pure or the Mount Mansfield Organic for flakes or

The flakes seem to work better in baking or as part of a topping for cereal especially Oatmeal. The Granulated lends itself to Rubs and sprinkles on bacon, or jerky or waffles or pancake or desserts.

Maple Sugar – flakes or granuals – do work well as a substitute for brown sugar – falling someplace in between Light or Dark Brown Sugar and fun for a change up in flavour profile.

Give it a try, join us at my small group on GAB.com Food Craft Making and Methods

Now back to what’s InMySmallKitchen to EnjoyTheMaking to prep for dinner this evening. Then a nap….


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    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! Beginning in January 2020 we may include product links. If you choose to buy thru these links, Wheat may receive some form of compensation. Wheat assumes no responsibility if you are not happy with a product not sold thru our own website ItsAllJustString.com and expects smart shoppers will also do a bit of due diligence to form your own opinion if that item "works for you"
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    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! began as a place to express opinions strongly held or silly without everyone getting their panties in a twist assuming those opinions to be a personal attack because they lack the ability to discern between discussing the point and flaming a person.
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! is also where Wheat writes about products she uses and occasionally mentions ones best avoided. These may also but not always and not surprisingly are sold at ItsAllJustString,com
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! is also where she expresses sometimes controversial opinions about just about anthing so please expect the occastion rant.
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! welcome your comments - just remember - we want ot discuss the point not the person unless they are public usually political person.
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! is where Wheat writes primarily about things she uses and sells thru ItsAllJustString,com
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! blogamentries are based on personal experience and opinon. Your experience and opinion may differ. "what works for wheat may not work for you"
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