My parents lived thru the Great Depression. Needless to say that affected them and often as not how some things were handled in our home. One of the most often heard expressions in our home?
Put it on the shelf – It don’t eat
In other words waste nothing. Good advice as many once again thanks to poor government decisions face difficulty managing as costs skyrocket.
With this in mind know how long a food is safe in combination with how much you use in say a year for unopened – shelf stable foods is really helpful. If you need to find it more easily, I will also be adding it to my food links
Use this Link for the most recent version as the US FDA website
You will need to scroll down the page to find the Shelf Stable Food Storage Chart/Cheat Sheet
Wheat Wrote WHAT?!Whatever Is On My Mind – Links for things I use: InMySmall Kitchen to EnjoyTheMaking |
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Shelf-Stable Food Safety
Christine McVie Tribute
Two Icons, One Night – Stevie Nicks : Landslide
Stevie Nicks is paying tribute to her “best friend in the whole world” and Fleetwood Mac bandmate, Christine McVie, after her death. The Fleetwood Mac singer -songwriter – keyboardist died November 2022.
PI Day – March 14 Planning
Crust: “all ingredients on hand”
Filling: ” a few ingredients need to be added to grocery list”
Tip from Betty Crocker – more suggestions at (not affiliate just good info) at:
Pie for Pi Day –
Recipe: NY Style Bagel
So Much Food: New York Style Bagel Recipe
I had another recipe, but this one looked better when I found it about 2 years ago. I placed the link and so here it is where I can find it again.
After real NY Style bagel – anything else is just donut shaped bread.
Of course the missing “ingredient” is the Water in NYC and Yonkers, but that can’t be helped.
For the Sourdough fiends among us: You can use your Sourdough sponge as a starting point – You will need to add a good yeast and the rise will take longer, but oh my goodness, you will think you died and went to the lower East Side for breakfast.
But oh my goodness, you will think you died and went to the lower East Side for breakfast.
AND a big thank you to @jennygoycochea Her recipes are often “worth giving a try”
Pretzel Bao With Sweet Sesame-Hot Mustard Pork Recipe
This recipe looks like it will be interesting as written and as a great way to use up leftover seasoned meat that is/was already fully cooked.
Pretzel Bao With Sweet Sesame-Hot Mustard Pork Recipe was included with a list of “Game Day” suggestions from Serious Eats
Most “store brand” Stone Ground or Dijon brown mustard – offered 12 oz squeeze bottles are pretty much the same. Either makes a good base for different condiment needs. (sandwich spread, dipping, glazing, etc)
Wheat’s Hot-n-Spicy Mustard Dip
3 Tbl Stone Ground Mustard
1 tsp Horse Radish POWDER
….. or 1 TBL Prepared Horse Radish
3 Tbl Water or other liquid to thin to dipping consistency
– Mix well and allow to sit at room temp for a few hours OR overnight in fridge
– Store, covered in refrigerator up to 3 weeks.
Although I will use most of their recipe for the ingredients and the technique, as of those with chronic arthritis, the dough for this recipe could easily be prepared using the dough cycle of your Bread Machine – Just remember to follow your machine’s recommendations for the order in which to add ingredients. My suggestion/rule of thumb for things like sourdough and in this case, the tangzhong is after other liquid
So far the only sub I will make is using a comparable amount of previously prepared shredded pork that needs to leave the freezer and used. It only slightly differs from the recipe in that it was modified to avoid certain ingredients which do not sit well with us. Just the first of what I suspect will be many experiments.
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