The KBS Bread Machines are a bit notorious for the quality (or lack ) of “good instructions”
still sometimes it takes a bit of thought to realize what you need is there, just requiring a bit of study to put the process together.
This is one of those times and it has come up more than once. So time to illustrate the answer, add some tiplet at the end and have it ready to share as a link again in the future.
This is a schematic that appears in all the KBS manuals I have reviewed.
A complaint was made the included measuring cup did not “Show” 160ml.
If you look at the image, between 150 and 200 are lines for each 10ml.
So if your instruction ask for 160ml, you will fill the cup to the line above 150ml.
If the ingredients calls for 250ml, fill the cup to the 200ml mark and then again to the 50ml mark for a total of 250.
I always withhold a “coffee scoop” each of the flour & liquids until after the first mixing
It is generally accepted that coffee scoop can be either one or two tablespoons.
Mine is 2 tablespoons (1/8th cup) and “works for me” –
Many things can effect the dough consistency and of course it is easier to add if needed since you cannot remove it once it is mixed in. for this tiplet, please just accept that bit to be true.
last edited 2023-Nov-25