Wheat Wrote WHAT?!

Whatever Is On My Mind – Links for things I use: InMySmall Kitchen to EnjoyTheMaking

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August 13th, 2022 at 00:37 am

Longer Term storage

What is your favorite – “why didn’t I think of this sooner” for food preservation: Mine is something I started as an experiment in my 20’s for “lunch box food”

Everyone knows about freezing everything from herbs to eggs to bits of left over meats in an ice cube tray for later use. And most have likely heard about using muffin trays then transferring to a zipper bag or air tight container.

And that does work EXCEPT sometimes the cubes still stick together.

I find the inexpensive cupcake/muffin papers in both sizes – filled no more than 3/4 but mostly 2/3 – when the food is frozen, just fold over the edges before placing in the bag – no more chunks/cubes stuck together

August 12th, 2022 at 14:03 pm

Eric Trump

Having a moment: according to Eric Trump

“No family in American history has taken ‘more arrows in the back’ than mine”

well at least his has the financial resources to fight back, some of us are not so lucky

August 10th, 2022 at 12:21 pm

Switchboard YPD Circa 1977

in: Asides

The primary difference between this switchboard and the one in use in YPD in the mid-70’s is the absecnce of Rotary Dial on the operator’s right. The headsets were also different. Western Electric kept those 500 series switchboards working until well into the 1980’s. The only upgrade was usually the addition of a rotary dial and some time in the late 70’s the addition of tone-tone 12 digit “dials”
It was an adventure and a learning experience for all including the gentlemen from Bell Labs in Moorestown NJ – as a test site for the 557B that was in service for the Telephone Industry (slightly different model than that use in non=TAS offices)

This is a picture of the type of headsets used by both TAS & YPD at that time. Trust me when I say they were damned heavy

August 9th, 2022 at 11:53 am

Lost Art: reading comprehension

When I was in school so many decades ago, your reading comprehension score (the ability to accurately read, retain and yes repeat information in a document was something to be proud of.

Now it seems so many can’t even properly quote. Perhaps that is why so many are so easily mis-led. And, so often open themselves to being labeled as less than knowledgeable.

August 8th, 2022 at 12:20 pm

Authors with Proteges

Did you ever notice how fast a long time excellent fictional “series” ceases to be as enjoyable as soon as you see:
Original Writer and Protege as joint authors?

I understand the follow the money – what is the worst is when the protege also has some excellent characters and suddenly the traits of the protege start being part of the Famous Author’s characters.

Living or Dead – it just means the authors work degrades even if it increases their cash flow
(in my opinion)

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    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! Beginning in January 2020 we may include product links. If you choose to buy thru these links, Wheat may receive some form of compensation. Wheat assumes no responsibility if you are not happy with a product not sold thru our own website ItsAllJustString.com and expects smart shoppers will also do a bit of due diligence to form your own opinion if that item "works for you"
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    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! began as a place to express opinions strongly held or silly without everyone getting their panties in a twist assuming those opinions to be a personal attack because they lack the ability to discern between discussing the point and flaming a person.
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! is also where Wheat writes about products she uses and occasionally mentions ones best avoided. These may also but not always and not surprisingly are sold at ItsAllJustString,com
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! is also where she expresses sometimes controversial opinions about just about anthing so please expect the occastion rant.
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! welcome your comments - just remember - we want ot discuss the point not the person unless they are public usually political person.
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! is where Wheat writes primarily about things she uses and sells thru ItsAllJustString,com
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! blogamentries are based on personal experience and opinon. Your experience and opinion may differ. "what works for wheat may not work for you"
    © 2002-Infinity Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! WheatCarr.com
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