Wheat Wrote WHAT?!

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June 30th, 2021 at 14:38 pm

Taking Parental Advice About Facts

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Don’t believe anything you hear and half of what you read, until you verify it yourself”
My Dad was the master of “words of wisdom” and as part of teaching his children critical thinking –

Long before the “interesting” theories presented as fact rampart on the Web – Imagine if he had lived to see what is out there today!

He often managed at least once a month or so to remind us

He did live long enough to see what the web has become, but when I “walked him through” Compuserve – he predicted it would become a hell hole of speculation – even he did not envision the world of speculation that would be based on less than factual information. His position was that expressed by Bernard Baruch in the mid-1940’s
Every man has the right to an opinion but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts.

So for the shared amusement of my long time friends and family –

The Internet can be quite fascinating. It has been recommended that from time to time one should google oneself. I don’t usually bother but recently a family member and a lifelong friends sent me a links I found quite fascinating.

Among the things I learned about myself, apparently:
I was not born the year it says on my birth certificate.

The name on my birth certificate is not really my name – legal or otherwise.

I have been married several times I know nothing about

I did not work for the Yonkers PD as my income tax records indicate, but did the NYC PD as a civilian dispatcher –

I do not live an at least 1/2 dozen locations cited in several different articles

I’ve also heard quite a bit about people I supposedly dated – only two of the several dozen claims appear in my personal diary (kept since I was 10 years old)

Given historical precedent, (in 1978 I was told by the then CEO of Gannett that even though my facts were correct – they did not fit the chain’s narrative so they (Gannett) would not publish in any way – not even as a letter to the editor.

After much thought and having decided likely not worth the effort to attempt to correct such a blatant lack of facts – however, it certainly might be useful for at least one of those “investigating me” in evaluating any of the information they also presented as facts.

Remember what Sam Said:
Don’t believe anything you hear and half of what you read, until you verify it yourself”

  • 1

    I am aware – but the fact is – it would not make any difference – people believe what they want.

    wheat on December 25th, 2021


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