Wheat Wrote WHAT?!

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August 11th, 2020 at 08:32 am

Pickle Liquid Is An Essential

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Sometimes I have to wonder – is it a case of all great minds think alike OR beyond looking at products I have looked at on line, are they tapping into my brain.
A few weeks ago I took a Corned Beef Flat out of the freezer, but was “horrified” to find we were not only out of dill pickles, but SOMEONE who shall remain nameless that thought it was a good idea to pour out the remaining juice – a form of greenish gold used by me for corned beef AND pastrami prep –
We will not talk about my first attempt to (a) prepare the brisket with improvised pickle juice or (b) the result which can only be classified as edible but not up to par. Not even Darth Vader my 6.5 Ninja Foodi could make up for the loss that pickling liquid provides.

Today, this article was linked in the Epicuious “Cook this Now” Email
With that in mind, I was surprised to find how many of these suggestions I already use, but some may find them useful.

P.S. if anyone has a favorite recipe for Refrigerator Dill Pickles, please share a link I will be “in your debt” and so will the guy in the other room.
P.S. jr : Claussen is our preferred brand since we no longer live where pickles are in a wooden barrel in the corner of the deli.

This article does not contain affiliate links – the linked article and future comment might.

  • 1

    We have been making tons of pickles this summer. I use https://nchfp.uga.edu/index.html for safe and yummy canning. lots of pickles and basic safety information on canning and methods. We have made Giardenera, Dill pickles, Sweet pickles, pickled Beats, and we’ll be doing some fruit pickles later.

    karon L adams on August 13th, 2020


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