Wheat Wrote WHAT?!

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November 7th, 2012 at 09:08 am

SUPPORT New York – join KFI Operation Sandy Relief

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KFI Logo As a NYer, born and bred, with family hard hit in the several areas of NYC, it has been gut wrenching to sit here and know there was little or nothing I could do.

Stressing that all clean useful articles are acceptable I hope you will take a moment to read the announcement of KNITTING FEVER’s Operation Sandy Relief. In the past KFI has “matched” donations for disaster relief here and abroad with the donations made thru its shops. This time its a lot closer to home.

I hope those who can will make cash donations to the charity of your choice,

That you will check with your local places of worship to see if you can aid them

and finally, I hope you will consider contributing to the KFI hope of warming our fellow NYers –
afghans, hats, mittens, scarves, shawls – used but in good repair coats – sweaters – quilts, blankets ALL are needed

With the first named North Easter named Athena, headed their way they need every bit of warmth we can send.

Whether you offer prayers or cash donations, or the work of your hands, all will be much appreciated.


KNITTING FEVER’s Operation Sandy Relief


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