Wheat Wrote WHAT?!

Whatever Is On My Mind – Links for things I use: InMySmall Kitchen to EnjoyTheMaking

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May 2nd, 2022 at 22:19 pm

SCOTUS Leak – a diversion?

in: Asides

The SCOTUS leak is so blatantly a diversion.
Who else is wondering what its true purpose is.

Not to mention that if the decision holds up in its final form – it does not make abortion illegal, it makes abortion not the business of the US FEDERAL Government and clearly adheres to the constitutional guideline of what should, at worst, be handled by each state.

It would really be great if the Choice was a private matter between Doctor, Parents, and personal conscious.

April 25th, 2022 at 02:14 am

2022 Hurricane Planning

If you are Delivery Dependent, planning to have foods on hand if it cannot be easily delivered is an essential part of our life. It is easy to set aside concerns for weather outside of the “usual” winter things.


It is not just winter weather that effects availability of delivery services those who rely on such services should plan ahead – including maybe a small camp or buffet gas stove to heat foods like soups, etc.

“Weather analysts at Colorado State University’s Department of Atmospheric Science in Fort Collins estimate that the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season will be an active one that produces 19 named storms, nine hurricanes and four major hurricanes (reaching wind speeds of 111 mph and up).
“If the model goes as predicted, this would be our seventh above-normal hurricane season in a row,” said research scientist Dr. Phil Klotzbach at CSU.” Source: Eldersburg Patch

April 24th, 2022 at 11:16 am

Orthodox Easter 2022

May be an image of text that says 'A blessed Orthodox Easter To You. May you have a life of peace, joy and prosperity.'
April 17th, 2022 at 01:01 am

Easter 2022 Blessing

April 8th, 2022 at 07:52 am

Today’s Inspiration: April 7

No photo description available.
OP: Karen Slamanshhn.
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    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! Beginning in January 2020 we may include product links. If you choose to buy thru these links, Wheat may receive some form of compensation. Wheat assumes no responsibility if you are not happy with a product not sold thru our own website ItsAllJustString.com and expects smart shoppers will also do a bit of due diligence to form your own opinion if that item "works for you"
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?!Assumes ONLY YOU can properly and completely perform the necessary due diligence to determine your course of action in life or business - ALL article, like all on this blog, are a starting point, not the last word by any means. While I hope it is worth more, its value is exactly the same as what you paid for it – no dollars.
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! began as a place to express opinions strongly held or silly without everyone getting their panties in a twist assuming those opinions to be a personal attack because they lack the ability to discern between discussing the point and flaming a person.
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! is also where Wheat writes about products she uses and occasionally mentions ones best avoided. These may also but not always and not surprisingly are sold at ItsAllJustString,com
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! is also where she expresses sometimes controversial opinions about just about anthing so please expect the occastion rant.
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! welcome your comments - just remember - we want ot discuss the point not the person unless they are public usually political person.
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! is where Wheat writes primarily about things she uses and sells thru ItsAllJustString,com
    Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! blogamentries are based on personal experience and opinon. Your experience and opinion may differ. "what works for wheat may not work for you"
    © 2002-Infinity Wheat Wrote WHAT !?! WheatCarr.com
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