This has been in interesting few weeks. As several of us are working together to keep a good thing going – the community of the KnitDesign group – I have been amuzed to see how many folks do not read even the simpliest of directions,
And while doing my monthly “delete messages” I re-read a number of thoughts written by others …. well lets just skip the rest of the twisted paths of my thought processes…. Here is what they led to:
It occurs to me that part of the problem in understanding, among other things, copyrights are the underlying semantics for words used in the discussion.
The following definitions are from the online version of Merriam-Webster
1: a form or model proposed for imitation
2: something designed or used as a model for making things i.e., a sewing pattern
1: to create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan
1 a: one that originates or creates :
– as some have mentioned, There are many elements to “Design” but I think if we put the three words together,
It gets a bit easier to see at what point “it becomes your own” and when you can lay claim EVEN for utilitarian objects, to copyrights. (or see where you may be infringing)
In other words,
If you did not start with a blank piece of paper, then you did not DESIGN it and so have no copyright to claim.
Peace of the Season
seems reasonable. I have seen people fighting over “patterns” for granny squares. I’m talking about the simple one, the 3 double crochets, 3 chains one, the one most people know. I don’t know who came up with it but I’ve been doing that one for over 30 years & I know I can’t claim it. But some people try.
I was surprised to see a pattern I thought I had made up (well, I did, I was making it up as I went along) in somebody else’s blog with the loaded statement “do not copy this, etc”. I wondered – “Did I do mine first or what?” I actually had crocheted mine a few weeks earlier, but did I get inspiration from that blog? I can honestly say I don’t know for sure.
There are those who claim if you change a certain amount of elements to the desing (5 or 7, something like that) you can claim it as yours. I don’t think that seems right. but that’s me
your mileage may vary