Last night during one of those common to “seasoned citizens” hours of sleeplessness where your mind just won’t quit and get on with much needed rest, to pondering the cause and effect of TDS came to the forefornt. Sometimes one has to take a step back and think about why “it’s just not right”
It has long sickened me to see gross displays of disdain at best and hatred at worst. People who would have us think they are good people and for the most part they really are, except when it comes to Politics in general and of course Donald J Trump in particular.
It my biggest struggle in life has been to “consider the source” and not hate. A combination of two parents who believed we could always be our best – and the influence of Catholic School.
You know the part where they beat the need to not engage in the 7 deadly sins. (They include; Pride, Greed, Wrath, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, and Sloth)
Recently I heard what has to be one of the most irrational reason for TDS. They hated that his”followers” because they were always having to buy stuff – Trumpie Bear or other “donate and we will send you this or that” Two things come to mind. First, who died and left them in charge of how others choose to spend their money? Second, other than certain pressures from employers, no one can really force someone to donate to a political campaign. It was not a hill I want to die on, but that expression of pseudo superiority has been upsetting me every since.
Another of the outbursts that still have my head shaking was “I should not have to pay for my student loans because I made bad choices of a major.”
Before you ask, no, thus far I have chosen a bloody tongue from a “what in the name of all that is holy has you thinking this behavior is rational” That led to trying to understand (and still not there yet) how that justifies the hatred displayed by so many who “got outvoted”
Last night I thought about TDS is really wallowing in those seven deadly sins. Not sure which ones or how many but both greed and envy come to mind. Certainly those who think they are unaccountable for their own actions (not always the same people by the way) or should be responsible for the debts they incur or in the current uproar – should not be expected to return to the work place and/or be expected to inform their supervisors of they work progress.
Venting over for a minute – We all have better things to do with our time. However, might I also suggest you read an article that helped bring it together for me today entitled . Before you jump to envy, consider this by Rhonda Schrock.
Just something to think about – like Barack said “Elections have consequence”
and frankly to the list of people who also inspired this blog, if you think blatant displays of hatred is Christian, well then you need to think about that. But feel free to agree or disagree – like my Father always told me “Consider the source – most are not worth you getting upset.” He was also fond of “wanting ain’t always getting” usually followed by “what is worth having is worth working for”
“nuff said… for now”