Am I the only one this concept bothers?
Does the answer “but we sent every one we could think of $250” just not seem quite right.
Aren’t you glad to know that potentially $100,000,000 of our tax dollars aka/the bailout to the banks, is going to single individual.
Someone please explain the “justice” of the following:
News Alert from The Wall Street Journal
Sponsored by NASDAQ OMX
A top Citigroup trader is pressing the financial giant to honor a 2009 pay package that could total $100 million, setting the stage for a potential showdown between Citi and the government’s new pay czar.
The trader, Andrew J. Hall, heads Citigroup’s energy-trading unit, Phibro LLC — a secretive operation that occasionally accounts for a disproportionate chunk of Citigroup income.
Given the government track record (can’t even run a cat house in texas without losing money) IF
this is how the Fed manages OUR money, I cannot wait to see what they will do if they get Socialized Medicine (okay I can wait, for years and decades and generations and forever would certainly be preferable) We the people of these United States will be the losers.
Healthcare reform without tort reform is going to be a death sentence and a huge tax on already struggling families and small business.
Let us all pray that Common Sense
And as long as I am being political, let’s also make sure that not only does the Government NOT get between me and my doctor, but let’s see that they also do not get to force THIER Beliefs on mine. Abortion is a choice that should be made by the woman, her doctor and in consultation with an involved potential father. NOT by some bureaucrat.
Call your congressional representatives NOW and support those who have the guts to risk say no to Socialism.