Playing yet another Name Game,
It would seem I am possessed this year with this whole “what’s in a name thing”
But I really prefer when correct names are used unless one is intending to be Entertaining (i.e., I call my blog entries, Blog-A-Mentaries and fellow Blog writers, Blog-A-Venturers, cause you never know what is going to happen.
So, while the introduction over the last few years of attachments and machines – has been great
EXCEPT the almost epidemic of misuse of the functions served by these tools, it is just making me somewhat crazy
Felting is the process by which the follicles found on WOOL (from many animal/protein fibers, but most easily Sheep) are somehow encouraged to wrap around each other.
For WET Felting, there are basically three things needed.
1. A Solution (soapy water works best, but you can do it with even Tap Water) so that the fibers can be encouraged to expand making the follicles “stand out” a bit.
2. Agitation, so they can be encouraged to wrap around each other.
3. Finally Temperature Change, so those expanded follicles not only go back to their original “closed”, but are “set” in their new twisted, meshed, compacted configuration.
DRY Felting, although much less messy and requiring a fair bit more work, essentially tries to do the same thing, but without water/solutions.
Dry Felting is accomplished by the pushing and PULLING of those follicles by the tiny barbs on “felting needles” – creating tangling so that the necessary twisting, meshing and as a result, compacting of the fiber into some form of fabric or 3D shape like my little friend Piccolo pictured here.
Now I know it has become “politically correct” to refer to thread as Fibers, but I do not. WHY because Fibers are really what makes up a yarn or thread or FELT fabric before it undergoes any sort of spinning process to create yarn and threads.
Bottom line …
without that twisting/tangling/meshing compacting you are not making Felt,
you are not Needle FELTING
So what are you doing? Felting, Punching or A Combination, better called
Embellishing & XPressing yourself
Check back in a day or two.