TH says that I have my own language. So he suggested the Who-What posts need to include the occasional explanation.
He strongly feels that most people do not understand I say things sometimes either to provoke thought or because it is meant to amuse – he sometimes likens my humor to the Sahara Desert.
So okay, from time to time, I will preface a post with PSA
This is not a Public Service Annoucement (well maybe it is since it meant to protect your keyboard in particular and your computer in general) but rather a suggestion you may want to swallow any liquids before reading further, because the message to come contains a
Possible Spew Alert
Wheat accepts no liability for your failure to practice safe computing and ignoring such notices.
Wheat also understands what while many people won’t get my humor – if it has to be explained, well, you can see where this is going.
Time to venture to the Stupid Market in search of Thursday Grill Ingredients.
Peace of the Season